About Element Supply Co.

Tools enable us to get more work done with less effort. They are a force multiplier. With that core principle in mind, Element Supply Company offers tools vetted by industry professionals. ESC is Hell-bent on offering battle-tested tools that are as easy as possible to pick up and use.

Every tool conforms to a high set of standards. There are no clunky workflows, no poorly built templates that need to be deciphered or take forever to render, and no randomly named controls. ESC is laser focused on user experience and rock-solid stability.

Every tool ESC sells is one that you can depend on day in and day out, guaranteed. ESC knows that you need to dig out old projects and you still need them to work—because a hammer is always a hammer. When an Element Supply tool needs to be rebuilt in a way that would break compatibility, it becomes a different product so you never have to worry that an update will break something. And you have access to every version you’ve ever paid for, just in case.

Element Supply Company is your outfitter. We won’t leave you stranded. We’re in this for the same reasons you are. We love what we do and we just want to put in our best effort with tools that we love and are excited to share.