Workbench has a special announcement for you today! In light of the growing Coronavirus crisis, Workbench has decided to make some changes. We're now a media company specializing in entertainment. So today, we're releasing our first EP!

Yes, this is a real product. We promise. Is it good? You be the judge.

The EP contains ten tracks of motion graphics related parodies. Featuring:

  1. This Ain't Goin' on my Reel
  2. Cavalry
  3. Behind Blue SCREENS
  4. Change
  5. Studio of the Rising Sun
  6. The Sound of AE
  7. Name your Layers
  8. Animator in the Sun
  9. The Farm is on Fire
  10. Take me Home, Bezier Curve

Joe Clay isn't a rockabilly. That dude stole his name.